Mar 01,2024

WANG, Cuili


Cuili Wang

Senior Research Scientist

Department: Department of Nursing Fundamentals

Address: No.38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Personal Introduction: Senior Research Scientist at School of Nursing, Vice dean at Aged Care Intelligence & Innovation Research Institute

Personal profile (experiences such as Education, Employment, courses you are teaching):


Baccalaureate Degree:

MB, 1992/09-19997/07, Shandong University, School of Nursing

Advanced Degrees:

M.M.,2002/09-2005/06, Shandong University, School of Public Health

PhD, 2008/09-2011/06, Shandong University, Center on Health Management and Policy


1997-2002, Shandong University, School of Nursing, Teaching Assistant

2002-2007, Shandong University, School of Nursing, Lecturer

2007-2014, Shandong University, School of Nursing, Associate professor

2011-2012, University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, Visiting scholar

2014-2018, Shandong University, School of Nursing, Professor

2018-, Peking University, School of Nursing, Senior research scientist


Five Core courses in the Nursing Bachelors program including Nursing Fundamentals, Nursing health education, Medical Nursing, Clinical Nutrition, Nursing research;

Three courses in the Nursing Masters program including Health Behavior Change Theories and Health Education, Advanced Nursing Research, Nursing Research

One of the chief instructors for National Fine-designed Courses of Nursing Fundamentals

Research Areas:

My research focuses on geriatric nursing, especially on long-term care delivered to elders as well as assessment instruments, risk factors, adverse outcomes, and non-pharmacological interventions (exercise, nutritional, psychological,social interventions ) related to geriatric syndromes (e.g., frailty, sarcopenia, cognitive impairment, pain, sleep disorders, urinary incontinence, and functional decline). Also, I focus on adherence to health behavior and health education, chronic diseases self-management (e.g., COPD, DM), and socio-psychological factors in health science (e.g., ethnic disparities, health literacy, socioeconomic determinants, stigma, marriage, and depression).

Selected projects (including title and fund support):

1. Integrated care among community-dwelling frail older adults: a stepped wedge controlled randomized trial, 2023-2026, PI,NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China)

2. Subjective support-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for prevention of depression among community-dwelling frail older adults, 2021-2024, PI, Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education Planning Fund

3.The preventive strategies and actions of disability under the aging population-geriatric syndromes, 2022-2025, PI, Social Science Foundation of China Major project.

4. Promoting wellbeing for vulnerable population. 2018-2010, PI, Talent introduction project Peking University Medical Science Center.

5.Frailty assessment and its effect on health outcomes among Chinese elders, 2017-2020, PI, NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China)

6. Long- term care and health outcomes among Chinese elders, 2014-2016, PI, NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China)

7. Nursing needs among residents in long-term care facilities, 2014-2017, Co-investigator, Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education Planning Fund

8. Voiding behavior interventions among diabetic patients with overactive bladder syndrome, Co-investigator, 2015- 2017, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province

9. Health care seeking behaviors with an application of the Theory of Planned behaviors among women with urinary incontinence, 2010-2013, Co-investigator, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province

10. Effects of social capital on job burnout and job satisfaction among health professionals in community health centers, 2011-2013, Co-investigator, United States China Medical Board

Selected publication:

  1. Si H, Wang C*. Predictive performance of 7 frailty instruments for short-term disability, falls and hospitalization among Chinese community-dwelling older adults: A prospective cohort study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2021, 117:103875.

  2. Qiao X, Wang C*. A theory-driven exercise intervention among community-dwelling (pre)frail older adults: Protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2022, 78(8):2634-2645.

  3. Qiao X, Wang C*. Development and validation of an instrument to measure beliefs in physical activity among (pre)frail older adults: An integration of the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Patient Education and Counseling, 2021, 104(10):2544-2551.

4.Jin Y, Wang C*. Relationship between frailty and depression among community-dwelling older adults: The mediating and moderating role of social support. Gerontologist, 2020, 60(8):1466-1475.

5.Ji L, Wang C*. Executive function and attentional bias as serial mediators in the relationship between frailty and depressive symptoms among older inpatients: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2022, 10.

6.Wang W#, Si H#, Wang C*. Effects of reversible cognitive frailty on disability, quality of life, depression, and hospitalization: a prospective cohort study. Aging & Mental Health, 2022, 26(10):2031-2038.

7.Liu Q, Wang C*. Association between self-efficacy and self-management behaviours among individuals at high risk for stroke: Social support acting as a mediator. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2022.

8.Tian X, Wang C*. Association between pain and frailty among Chinese community-dwelling older adults: depression as a mediator and its interaction with pain. Pain. 2018,159 (2):306-313.

9.Dong L, Wang C*. Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the FRAIL Scale in Chinese Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2018,191:12-17.

10.Qiao X, Wang C*. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Comprehensive Frailty Assessment Instrument in Chinese community-dwelling older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International.2018,182:301-307.


China Geriatric Health Care Association, Corresponding reviewer for NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China),