姓 名:李明子
学 历:博士
专 业:慢性病管理,临床护理学
职 务:教授,硕/博士生导师,教研室主任
电 话:010-82805230
邮 箱:limingzi@bjmu.edu.cn
l 2021~2024,国自然面上项目“基于行为决策双过程模型的助推策略在糖尿病生活方式干预中的有效性及机制研究”主持
l 2019~2023,北京市教委重大科技专项“代谢性心血管病的新药研究”子课题,主持
l 2019~2020,国家卫健委中国卫生人才培养项目护理研究子项目“新中国护理人力资源发展的回顾、现状与展望”主持
l Luo Dan, Gu Wei, Bao Ying, Cai Xue, Lu Yanhui, Li Ruxue, Wang Ying, Li Mingzi*. Resilience outstrips the negative effect of caregiver burden on quality of life among parents of children with type 1 diabetes: An Application of Johnson-Neyman Analysis. Jurnal of Clinical Nursing. 2021.DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15739.
l Jiang Xinjun, Jiang Hua, Chen Yuan, Wu Xiaoan, Yu Xuelian, Liu Lei, Li Mingzi*. The Effectiveness of a Self-Efficacy-Focused Structured Education Program (SSEP) in Improving Metabolic Control and Psychological Outcomes of Type 2 Diabetes Patients: A 12-Month Follow-Up of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity:target and therapy. 2021, 14:305-313.
l Lu Yanhui, Xing Pengbo, Cai Xue, Luo Dan, Li Ruxue, Lloyd Cathy, Sartorius Norman, Li Mingzi*. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients From 14 Countries: Estimates of the INTERPRET-DD Study. Front Public Health. 2020, 20;8:534372.
l Cai Xue, Qiu Shanhu, Liu Shuling, Lu Yanhui, Luo Dan, Li Ruxue, Li Mingzi*. Body-weight fluctuation and risk of diabetes in older adults: The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2020,169:108419.
l Cai Xue, Qiu Shanhu, Luo Dan, Wang Limin, Lu Yanhui, Li Mingzi*.Mobile Application Interventions and Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis. Obesity. 2020,28:502-509.
l 2020 年 beat365在线体育官网优秀博士论文指导教师,beat365在线体育官网德育先进
l 2019 年 beat365在线体育官网仲外奖教金
l 2018 年 beat365在线体育官网教学成果一等奖 beat365在线体育官网医学部教职工之友
l 2017 年 北京护理学会科技进步奖 beat365在线体育官网十佳导师 beat365在线体育官网最佳人气导师
l ICN-NP APNN Education Sub-Group Co-chair (国际护士会高级实践/开业护士教育委员会共同主席)
l 中国医药教育协会糖尿病专业委员会副主任委员
l Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice,Current Alzheimer's disease等期刊同行评议专家