姓 名:陆 虹
学 历:博 士
专 业:助产与母婴健康
职 务:beat365在线登录平台党委书记兼妇儿教研室主任
邮 箱:luhong@bjmu.edu.cn
l 联合国人口基金项目“加强助产保障母婴安康”
l China Medical Board Foundation (CMB)项目“中国城乡助产人力资源及助产核心胜任力研究“
l 联合国儿童基金项目“助产本科教育体系研究”
l Zang Y, Lu H*, Zhang H, Zhang H, Zhang L, Yang M, Huang J. Chinese midwives’perceptions on upright positions during the second stage of labour: A qualitative study. Midwifery.2021,,98,102993.
l Zang Y, Lu H*, Zhang H, Huang J, Zhao Y, Ren L. Benefits and risks of upright positions during the second stage of labour: An overview of systematic reviews. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2020, 114, 103812.
l Zang Y, Lu H*, Zhang H, Huang J, Ren L, Li C. Effects of upright positions during the second stage of labour for women without epidural analgesia: A meta- analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2020, 76(12): 3293–3306.
l Huang J, Lu H*, Li J, Zhou N, Zang Y, Ren L, Wang J. Comparison of midwives' self-perceived essential competencies between low and high maternal mortality ratio provinces in China. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2020, 29(23-24), 4733–4747.
l Zang Y, Lu H*, Zhao Y, Huang J, Ren LH, Li X. Effects of flexible sacrum positions during the second stage of labour on maternal and neonatal outcomes: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2020, 29 (17-18), 3154-3169.
l Yang Y, Lu H*. Breastfeeding in hospitalized preterm infants: a survey from 18 tertiary Neonatal Intensive Care Units across mainland China. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2020, 56(9),1432-1437.
l Huang J, Lu H*, Zang Y, Ren LH, Li CY, Wang JY. The effects of hands on and hands off/poised techniques on maternal outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Midwifery, 2020, 87, 102712.
l Zhao Y, Lu H*, Zang Y, Li X. A systemic review of clinical practice guidelines on uncomplicated birth. BJOG. 2020, 127(7), 789–797.
l Nan Zhou, Lu H*, Huimin Zhao, Fengjuan Li, Minghui Yang. Midwifery service and midwifery human resource demand in western China: a cross-sectional study. The lancet. 2019, The lancet. 2019, 394(S1): S34.
l Yang Y, Brandon D , Lu H*,Cong X. Breastfeeding experiences and perspectives on support among Chinese mothers separated from their hospitalized preterm infants: a qualitative study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 2019,14.45.
l ELSEVIER中国高被引学者(2014-2020)
l beat365在线体育官网优秀党务和思想政治工作者(2019年)
l 首都杰出护理工作者(2018年)
l 中华护理学会科技一等奖(2017年)
l 中华护理学会科研专业工作委员会 副主任委员
l 中国妇幼保健协会助产分会 常务副主任委员
l 北京市护理协会妇产科专业委员会 副主任委员